Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some like it hot

Hola! It's may and we all know what that means:) yes, summer is around
the corner and love is in full bloom. So what is up with marco today?
Well I know for one thing that's been going
On and I think it's drama. To be more specific. Friend DRAMA.

Looks like a girl I like to call austin was all alone walking in the
lunch line. Where is her dear friends Noel and claire? Friends would
wait in the lunch line with you, best friends would be around to hold
your hair when you puke it up. And it looks like they aren't doing
either. Austin it's time to find some new friends. Wait!? Why did I
see her hanging with noel and some friends later during lunch??? And
what about after school. Don't Austin and Noel hang out after school?
Then why did I see austin far away from Noel talking to some sixlet?
That's pretty sad even for someone like her.whatevs. I'll find out
what's going on sooner or later.

Now for background info for Angie and Maddie. About a month ago they
got in some fight during p.e. And Angie called it quits. Now Maddie is
sad and Angie is pissed and we are happily watching from the sidelines
wondering when they are going to kiss and make up. I hope soon. I mean
who else are we going to watch like them?

Tiffany and kirra fighting over eighth grade hottie nigel. Looks like
they don't hate each other but still, we should all know by now to
live likes the Aussies. Mates before dates. Or for the bros in da
hood, bros before hos. But then all the boys would be single, an we
don't want that.

Got to go

i have a life ya' know
and star testing tomorrow plus some major algebra homework.
Yeah, I'm smart. Got a problem with that??


I've got it and I know you want it

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome aboard!

I see you found my blog. Well be excited because I've got dirt on all the people here down in the OC. To start off, let's go to a small little middle school some like to call Marco, where they have everything from 7th grade stoners to psycho history teachers. And to make things even more interesting let's talk about a little sevie couple I like to call Angeline and Stuie. They're so cute together it makes me want to barf, but Angeline better watch her back, Stuie CAN'T be trusted. In fifth grade, Tiffiany and him were on and off every hour, and he still had his eyes on other girls *gasp*. I guess it runs in the family because Lizzie has already made out with AT LEAST 20 guys and she is in the sixth grade may I remind you. She gets more than her brother. It's kind of funny though since they look exactly alike. EW! But I think we all know that. So why is she with him? Friends with benefits much? I know a kiss on the cheek after school doesn't sound like much but to kids at Marco it's like going all the way. Or what about the fact that Stuie probably only likes Angeline for her ass? Angeline is sweet but she really needs to get a clue. Guys at that age are only out for one thing, dirty I know but your never too young to have a little fun;)

WATCH OUT! LOVESICK TEACHER on the loose! I'm not going to say this certain teachers name (let's just call him Gayperv) is crushing on one of his students. SHAYNA! I don't see why. But everyone knows he loves his students...a little too much at times. It's also obvious he has a thing for Noel. EW!

In other news, looks like two old besties Maddie and Angie still haven't made up yet from their gruesome fight (more to come on that in a separate post). And I was rooting for them:( Looks like I will have to change that. Angie was tired of Maddie constantly flipping b****, and Maddie...well she just wants to be her friend. C'mon! Have a heart!

I would write more, but I've got a life you know. Time is of the essence.

I've got it and I know you know you want it;)


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